Monthly Archives: June 2009

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Surprisingly Simple Copywriting Tools

This time I’m back with some quick list of copywriting tools.

Some of the best copywriting tools are free and it makes your copywriting – faster, easier, and you could write with more style and use great vocabulary.

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8 Proven Social Media Optimization Tips

As you probably know, practicing social media optimization tips greatly assist in positive exposure.  Actually, social media optimization is an effective online marketing strategy that can do amazing things along with driving targeted traffic and grabbing the attention of your targeted audience.

It would be correct to say that SMO connects your search market and social media. Popularity and publicity are basic need of every business, and you can get it through relating your market to social media.

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Personal Branding: The Best Way to Reach Your Prospects

Branding is hottest business strategy and is very essential for everyone doing business online or offline. Public’s perception is the thing that makes a real difference in competitive world.

But before I jump into the details, let me say this, personal branding is not just about your identity and its popularity. Moreover, it is about understanding your skills and passion. A confident and well-known person is valued by all.

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Avoid these 5 Copywriting Mistakes to hold Readers Interest

Copywriters are skilled writers; they are hired for writing compelling and creative text for web and offline media as well. Web copywriter generally, transforms ideas into text/words to promote a concept, business or to sell products/ services.

But, as the old saying goes like “Nobody is perfect” and so are copywriters.

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