Monthly Archives: March 2009

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7 Remarkable SEO Checklists!

As you probably know, everyone wish to get superior Search Engine Rankings. It’s a well known fact – ‘The higher your rankings, the sooner your web page will be noticed and you will get more relevant traffic’.

Believe me, there are numerous factors that search engine counts for ranking a particular web page. Remember, each Search Engine has its own algorithm.

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9 Proven Steps to Boost Readability of Your Blog

Category : Blogging

Web readers don’t read the whole web page, surprising, isn’t it? But, yes that’s true!

Online visitors are curious; they simply scan web pages to get relevant information.

No matter, how valuable information you are providing, but, if it is not readable, than it’s easy for your readers to just leave your site or blog. Design & Layout does affect the readability.

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How to Get Fresh Content Ideas

Category : Blogging

As you may have noticed that everyone on internet talks about fresh content. But getting content ideas is surely a challenge. This is the real cause for many bloggers who stop writing new blog posts, as they run out of content ideas and as a result they end up with losing interest in their own blog.

Believe it or not, most of bloggers find it difficult to balance between the quantity of posts and at the same time maintaining the quality blog posts. I’m going to share some writing tips that will help you to overcome with ‘bloggers block’ and keep you on track.

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