Homepage Copy: Do’s and Don’ts

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Homepage Copy: Do’s and Don’ts

Good copywriting does matter throughout the website. Creative copy is a powerful tool that reflects your expertise. And, don’t forget that your home page is the very first page of your website typically noticed by human readers and search engines. For all these reasons, it is essential to take special consideration and craft a relevant copy accordingly.

We all know that your homepage copy should be easy to understand and navigate. Not to forget, keyword placement must be in a natural manner. Apart from this, there are many do’s and don’ts for any homepage, keeping that in mind, I’ve prepared a list to share with you all.

So here are some “do’s and don’ts” tips to make your website’s homepage better just by editing and tweaking the text.


Catchy headlines – Any web surfer landing on your homepage should get the idea of your website theme from your headlines. Large font size with bold effects will capture readers’ attention, H1 tag is best for this purpose.

Emotional content – It is neglected by most of the webmasters or website owners. You should give a reason for your readers to connect with you, believe me – emotional words can do wonders.

Reader’s perception – Put yourself in the shoes of your prospects and imagine how you would like to see things. Distance yourself from your business and figure out things like a stranger. This will encourage you to make your site more user friendly.

Scannable content – As it is repeatedly said, internet users do not read they scan. And, remember that every visitor is not a reader. So, make your homepage easy to scan, use bullet points, hyperlinks, bold fonts wherever suited.

Optimize your homepage – If your webpage contains powerful headlines with effective content and smooth navigation, but at the same time, if it is not optimized, then how could your prospects find you? Try to seek advice from professional SEO expert, or you can learn and practice few SEO techniques yourself.


Talking more about you and not your customers – Readers are always interested to know what’s there for me. So talk to your visitors and let them know how your services, products or thoughts will help them.

Mentioning technical Jargons – Write in simple language that could be understood by all your readers. Don’t mention technical terms unless it is a must.

Don’t use images that take time to load – You may annoy your visitors by using images that takes a long time to load, in fact it is unprofessional. If you wish to use images on your site, then use small size images that are quick to load.

Don’t say the whole story on the Homepage – Homepage copy must showcase your main objects in brief. Details could go on separate pages. This will also help you to write focused content, stick to 1-2 keywords per page.

Don’t confuse your readers – Offer a clean and trouble-free site structure so that it is easy to navigate throughout your website.

Ok, let’s sum it up – homepage copy should be original, engaging and interesting. A powerful well-written optimized website could drive loads of targeted traffic. And in addition to that, an emotional touch will make it more effective and surely boost your conversions!

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