Copywriting Checklist: Proven Ways to Create Effective Copy

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Copywriting Checklist: Proven Ways to Create Effective Copy

Copywriting is a combination of art and science both. Appealing copy is a fundamental step towards successful business. A persuasive, influential and engaging content as a whole makes the copy that converts.  Crafting a copy that converts may sound tricky, but with some tested checks, the task get simpler than you think.

Here is a highly effective checklist to help you with your major copywriting troubles:

Attention grabbing headline – A strong headline with positive result will encourage your readers to read your copy further. So, compose it wisely.

Copy should be readable – If you wish to impress your readers then readability matters a lot. Things like breaking long sentences into short; providing good spacing between two paragraphs will help to attain better readability.

Keep it simple rule – This is one of the copywriting rules, writing your copy in simple and clear language makes it easy to understand.

Benefits – Prospects are concerned about how your products or services could help them. Remember to include benefits of your products or services on your sales page, not just features.

Stay focused – While creating your copy, never distract from your goal, in simple words always stay focused. Avoid things that create interruptions.

Address the needs of readers – Make sure that your product or services fulfill the needs of your readers. If their requirements are not addressed and they do not agree with your point, then it is almost impossible to make a sale.

Include testimonials – You should include real testimonials, this will give your prospects a comfort feel.

Friendly, interactive and conversational approach – Write as you are talking to your friend to whom you would like to help as much as possible. Conversational tone develops trust and shows that you are ready to help others.

Highlight important words/facts/specifications regarding your product or services.

Provide reasons to do business with you.

Smooth flow, paragraphs should link each other – Ensure the smooth flow of sentences, paragraphs should be connected with each other with a flow.

Powerful summary – If your copy is lengthy, then summarize main points at the end. Readers prefer to go through summaries as they are short and contain all necessary information.

Call to action – Here comes the most important part of your copy, call to action. At this point you must clearly show your readers that after reading the copy, how to take the desired step (of buying). The action should be immediate, so make the ordering process clear without any confusion.

Having these checks will cover almost all your copywriting problems. Nevertheless, implementing these points will let you save your time and efforts.

Take your time, go through the list and enjoy the results!

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