Category Archives: Copywriting

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Capabilities of SEO Copywriting

As the name suggest, SEO copywriting is a fine blend of search engine optimization factors with copywriting features in a copy.

Search engine copywriting is a high quality content meant for human as well as search engines. It should not compromise the flow and at the same time, it must have targeted keywords with a combination of few-long tail keywords and some relevant inbound links.

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Increase Conversion Rate in 5 Simple Ways

When a webpage is written with the consideration of target audience, it probably has more chance to have a higher conversion rate. Keeping your content short, informative and engaging is a way to impress your readers; it motivates them to keep visiting your site and buying from you again and again.

Website, blog, news letter or sales page all these are few good examples through which internet savvy, marketers and online business owners connect and communicate with their prospects.

It is not just a matter of interaction, but if it is done correctly, one can build online brand and even gain smart profit with increased conversions.

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Reasons to Consider a Professional Copywriter for Your Business

A professional copywriter is the one who knows the art and science of playing the game of words; they are well versed about how to implement the right word at the right place in right time for attaining a particular business goal.

In fact, a successful company is incomplete without business copywriting; yes a skilled copywriter is needed to write company objectives, business proposals, brochures, etc.

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Sales Letter Copywriting: Benefits of a Persuasive Sales Letter

Sales letter is an influential letter targeting specific group of audience. Your sales letter main purpose is to persuade the prospects to buy your products or hire your services.

Apart from increasing the sales and introducing your product or services, there are many benefits of a sales letter as well. Few of them will be like:

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Homepage Copy: Do’s and Don’ts

Good copywriting does matter throughout the website. Creative copy is a powerful tool that reflects your expertise. And, don’t forget that your home page is the very first page of your website typically noticed by human readers and search engines. For all these reasons, it is essential to take special consideration and craft a relevant copy accordingly.

We all know that your homepage copy should be easy to understand and navigate. Not to forget, keyword placement must be in a natural manner. Apart from this, there are many do’s and don’ts for any homepage, keeping that in mind, I’ve prepared a list to share with you all.

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The Power of Persuasion and Your Online Business

Writing persuasive web content is an essential element for every online business owner. It’s true that internet users are always looking out for updated information. So, providing valuable, relevant content with persuasive messages will convince them to believe you. Yes, this is the power of persuasion.

A genuine question here is – how to achieve persuasive writing? Well, that’s not a complicated process; instead it needs some analysis and experience. We all persuade our friends, family members and others in our real conversation. Yeah, you got it right; your words have the power of persuasion. Practicing it in your writing with appealing, influencing yet natural tone will help you.

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Copywriting Checklist: Proven Ways to Create Effective Copy

Copywriting is a combination of art and science both. Appealing copy is a fundamental step towards successful business. A persuasive, influential and engaging content as a whole makes the copy that converts.  Crafting a copy that converts may sound tricky, but with some tested checks, the task get simpler than you think.

Here is a highly effective checklist to help you with your major copywriting troubles:

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